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Douglas Roger Gress Professor

전공Economic Geography, East Asian Regional Geography
주소12동 515호
연락처02) 880-7739
Positions Held

09. 2016. ~ Present

Professor, Economic Geography Department of Geography Education, Seoul National University, Korea

03. 2020. ~ 02. 2021.

Chairperson(served four years prior on committee), International Cooperation and Globalization Committee, College of Education, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea

01. 2018. ~ Present

Board Member, The Korean Association for Multicultural Education

01. 2017. ~ 12. 2018.

Board Member, The Korean Geographical Society

03. 2011. ~ 08. 2016.

Associate Professor, Economic Geography Department of Geography Education, Seoul National University, Korea

03. 2009. ~ 02. 2011.

Assistant Professor, Economic Geography Department of Geography Education, Seoul National University, Korea

01. 2011. ~ 12. 2012.

International Board Member, The Korean Geographical Society

03. 2007. ~ 02. 2009.

Assistant Professor, Economic Globalization College of Business Administration, Ewha Womans University, Korea

09. 2003. ~ 02. 2007.

Visiting Assistant Professor, College of the Humanities, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea

09. 2000. ~ 03. 2008.

Instructor/Teaching Assistant/Research Assistant, Department of Geography, State University of New York at Buffalo

Academic Publications

Shin, J.C., Gress, D.R., Ree, B-S., Byung, S-R., Byun, K-Y., Ko, J-W., and Lim, H-J., 2024-forthcoming

International Faculty Members’ Intention to Leave South Korean Universities: Does Cultural Adjustment Matter? Higher Education Forum.

Karunarathna, A., and Gress, D.R., 2023

Building rural community resilience: The case of gem extraction in flood-affected areas of Sri Lanka. The Extractive Industries and Society (16), 101365: 1-9.

Gress, D. R., & Kalafsky, R. V., 2022

Staffing Considerations and International Trade Fairs for Korean SME Exporters and Innovators. Asian Journal of Business Research, 12(1), 21-38.

Gress, D.R., 2022

Interstices: Workplace Satisfaction, Inclusion, and the Cultural Adjustment of Expatriate Academics at South Korean Universities Nationwide. Research in Comparative and International Education, 17(4), 583-601.

Karunarathna, A., and Gress, D.R., 2022

The role of organizational networks in ameliorating flood disaster impacts: A case study of flood inundated rural and urban areas in Sri Lanka. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 102819.

Gress, D.R, Kalafsky, R.V., and Bagchi-Sen, S., 2021

A Multi-Level Analysis of Innovative Korean SME Activity and Related Innovation Ecosystem. Asia Review11(3), 15-56.

Gress, D., and Shin, J.C., 2020

Diversity, Work Environment, and Governance Participation: A study of expatriate faculty perceptions at a Korean university. Journal of Institutional Research – South East Asia, 18(1), 1-20.

Gress, D., and Kakafsky, R., 2020

Relational Economic Geography and Firm Level Export Activities at Trade Fairs: Insights from a study of South Korean advanced machine tool manufacturers. Pennsylvania Geographer58.

Song, E.Y., Gress, D., and Andriesse, E.H.S., 2020

Global Production Networks and (Distributional) Regional Development: The Cinnamon Industry in Karandeniya and Matale, Sri Lanka. Journal of South Asian Development15(2), 209-237.

Gress, D., and Shin, J.C., 2020

Perceptual differences between expatriate faculty and senior managers regarding acculturation at a Korean university. The Social Science Journal, 1-15.

Gress, D., 2019

Examining Korea’s international science and business belt project through an evolutionary economic geography lens. GeoJournal85(5), 1241-1255.

Gress, D., 2019

Research Collaboration, Workplace-Related Satisfaction, and Faculty Socialization: Insights from a Korean case university study. The SNU Journal of Education Research28(2), 45-62.

Kalafsky, R.V. and Gress, D., 2019

Minimizing distance: international trade fairs and SME targeting of specific export markets. GeoJournal85(4), 1025-1037.

Shin, J-C., and Gress, D., 2018

Expatriate academics and managing diversity: A Korean host university’s perspective. Asia Pacific Education Review19(2), 297-306.

Oh, K-M, and Gress, D., 2017

Extra‐Firm Networks and Firm Performance: A Study of South Korean Solar PV Firms and Industry Specific Government Actors. Growth and Change48(4), 991-1011.

Gress, D. and Shin, J-Y., 2017

Potential for knowledge in action? An analysis of Korean green energy related K3–12 curriculum and texts. Environmental Education Research23(6), 874-885.

Gress, D., and Tschapka, J., 2017

Bridging geography and education for sustainable development: A Korean example. Journal of Geography116(1), 34-43.

Gress, D., 2016

A review of Handbook of Manufacturing Industries in the World Economy Edited by John R. Bryson, Jennifer Clark, and Vida Vanchan.

Gress, D., 2015

Knowledge bases, regional innovation systems, and Korea’s solar PV industry. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy33(6), 1432-1449.

Gress, D., and Kalafsky, R., 2015

Geographies of production in 3D: Theoretical and research implications stemming from additive manufacturing. Geoforum60, 43-52.

Gress, D., 2015

Enrolling in global networks and contingencies for China’s solar PV industry. Asia Pacific Business Review21(1), 113-129.

Kalafsky, R.V. and Gress, D., 2014

Getting there: Trade fair participation and its importance for Korean machinery exporters. The Professional Geographer66(4), 621-630.

Gress, D., and Paek, J-Y., 2014

Differential Spaces in K orean Places? Feminist Geography and Female Managers in S outh K orea. Gender, Work & Organization21(2), 165-186.

Kalafsky, R.V. and Gress, D., 2014

Go big or stay home? Korean machinery firms, trade fair dynamics and export performance. Asia Pacific Business Review20(1), 136-152.

Kalafsky, R. and Gress, D., 2013

Trade Fairs as an Export Marketing and Research Strategy: Results from a Study of K orean Advanced Machinery Firms. Geographical Research51(3), 304-317.

Gress, D., 2011

Cluster considerations and Korean subsidiaries in the US. GeoJournal76(6), 661-673.

Gress, D., 2011

Cooperative research in international studies: Insights from economic geography. The Social Science Journal48(1), 94-111.

Gress, D., and Ilon, L., 2009

Successful integration of foreign faculty into Korean universities: A proposed framework. KEDI Journal of Educational Policy6(2).

Gress, D., and Poon, J., 2008

Extra‐Firm Networks And Korean Investment In The United States. Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie99(3), 269-280.

Gress, D., and Bagchi-Sen, S., 2007

Making a niche: North American voice actors and Korean labor intermediaries in Seoul, Korea. International journal of urban and regional research31(3), 561-578.

Gress, D., and Poon, J., 2007

Firm networks and Korean subsidiaries in the United States. Growth and Change38(3), 396-418.

Other – Reports and Publications

Ilon, L., Kim, S., Lagerwall, J., Gress, D. R., Yoo, J., Kurtz, A., Altmann, J., Wright, D., Adams, J., Scalia, G., Niederhafner, S., 2012

International Professors at Seoul National University: Issues and Context. Report submitted to the Dean of Research Affairs by the Office of the International Faculty Liaison, Seoul National University.

Ilon, L., Altmann, J., Gress, D. R., Kim, S., Lagerwall, J., Scalia, G., Wright, D., Kim, J., 2013

Proposed Policies and Procedures for International Faculty. Report submitted to the Dean of Research Affairs by the Office of the International Faculty Liaison, Seoul National University

Book Chapters

Kalafsky, R.V. and Gress, D.R., 2022

Going Global in One Location: Exploring SME Manufacturer Internationalization Motives at a Trade Fair. Chapter 7 in Research Agenda for Manufacturing Industries in the Global Economy. J.R. Bryson, C. Billing, W. Graves, and G. Yeung (Eds). London: Edward Elgar. pp. 135-155.

Gress, D., 2016

Enrolling in Global Networks and Contingencies for China’s Solar PV Industry. Chapter 8 in Managing China’s Energy Sector: Between the Market and the State. H. Lai and M. Warner (Eds). Oxford: Routledge. pp. 123-139. 

Kalafsky, R.V. and Gress, D.R., 2015

How and Where Tigers Roam: The Role of Korean Trade Fairs in Supporting Firms’ Export Activities. Chapter 14 in Temporary Knowledge Ecologies: The Rise and Development of Trade Faris in the Asia-Pacific Region. H. Bathelt and G. Zeng (Eds). Northampton: Edward Elgar.

Kalafsky, R.V. and Gress, D.R., 2014

Go Big or Stay Home? Korean Machinery Firms, Trade Fair Dynamics and Export Performance. Chapter 8 in Management in South Korea Revisited. C. Rowley and M. Warner (Eds). Abingdon, Oxford: Routledge.

Academic Articles in
for Submission

Paek, J-Y., and Gress, D.R. Female Labor in Korea: A systems-based glass career model (in progress)

Kang, M-G., and Gress, D.R. Green Evolution and Industrial Symbiosis: An analysis of petro- chemical firms in South Korea’s Ulsan-Mipo National Industrial Complex (UMNIC) (in progress).

Presentations and
Invited Talks

May 10, 2007

Invited speaker, Science and Technology Policy Research Institute (STEPI) “Korean Subsidiaries in US Clusters.” Seoul, Korea

June 1, 2007

“North American Voice Actors and Korean Intermediaries in Seoul Korea.” Korean Geographical Society National Conference, Jeonju, Korea

June 28, 2007

“Firm Networks and Korean Subsidiaries in the United States.” Second Global Conference on Economic Geography, Beijing, China

February 13, 2008

“More than Content: Teaching in English in Korea.”1st Workshop: Global Teacher Education Program, Ewha Womans University, Department of Education

February 28, 2008

Invited Panel Discussant, Korea University, Department of Public Administration, Conference on Regional Competitiveness in the Knowledge-Based Economy: Comparative Policy Perspectives, Seoul

March 31, 2008

“Networks and Embeddedness: Considerations for Research in Economic Geography.” Ewha Womans University, Department of Education Colloquium (Geography Education)

December 14, 2008

“The Case for Political Embeddedness in Economic Geography.” 5th Annual Conference on East Asian Alternative Geographies, Seoul National University

May 20, 2009

“Geography and China’s Solar Industry: Background and Research Considerations.” Korean Geographical Society, National Conference, Daegu, Korea

October 8, 2009

“Cooperation in International Studies: Economics, Culture, Politics, and Geography.” Inaugural paper presented at the Official Launch of the Korea International Studies Association, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea

April 15, 2010

“Sunny Side Up: Research considerations and findings from a pilot study of China’s solar industry.” Association of American Geographers Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.

August 16, 2010

Invited lecturer, KyoungGi University, College of Education “Culture, Multiculturalism, and Korea: The Perspective of a Long-term Non-Korean Resident.” (lectured in Korean)

September 15, 2010

Invited colloquium speaker, Seoul National University “Korean Female Managers and Feminist Geography: Research Questions and Preliminary Quantitative Results.”

April 15, 2011

“Differential Spaces in Korean Places? Feminist Geography and Female Managers in South Korea.” Association of American Geographers Annual Conference, Seattle, Washington

June 30, 2011

“Research Considerations and Preliminary Results from a Firm-Level Study of Korea’s Solar Industry.” Third Global Conference on Economic Geography, Seoul, Korea

October 5, 2011

Invited Panel Discussant, Science and Technology Policy Research Institute (STEPI) “Science and the City – Comparative Perspectives on Science and Technology Parks.” Seoul, Korea

December 5, 2011

“Knowledge Bases, Innovation, and the Geography of Korea’s Solar PV Industry.” Economic Geography Society of Korea, Bi-Annual Conference

June 3, 2012

“Trade Fairs as an Export Marketing and Research Strategy for Advanced Machinery Firms.” Economic Geography Society of Korea, Annual Conference, Jeju Island, Korea

June 3, 2012

“Extra-firm Actors and Firm Performance in Korea’s Solar PV Industry.” Economic Geography Society of Korea (with Kyumin Oh), Annual Conference, Jeju Island, Korea

November 30, 2012

Invited speaker, Presentation to contingency from the Singapore Institute of Management, “Gender and Korean Firms.” Seoul National University

March 13, 2013

Invited speaker, Presentation to advisory committee to the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology “Integrating International Faculty into Korean Universities: Recruitment, Support & Retention Issues.” Seoul, Korea

April 23, 2013

“The export performance of Korean machine tool firms and their use of trade fairs.” Association of American Geographers Annual Conference, Los Angeles, CA

December 3, 2013

“Economic Geography in 3D: Theoretical Implications Stemming from Additive Manufacturing.” Seoul National University-National Taiwan University Joint Conference and MOU Signing Ceremony, Seoul, Korea

April 8, 2014

“Economic Geography in 3D: Theoretical Implications from Additive Manufacturing.” Association of American Geographers Annual Conference, Tampa, Florida

October 8, 2014

Invited speaker, senior investor contingency from Skagen Funds (organized by Samsung Finance, London) “Korean economic policy and possible impacts.” Seoul, Korea

April 16, 2015

“Korea’s ISBB Project: Bridging culture on new paths to innovation.” Mobility and Multiculturalism in Global City: 2015 International Conference organized by the Korean Urban Geographical Society, Ewha Womans University

April 25, 2015

“Understanding and facilitating sustainability transitions in Korea: A place for competency based sustainability education in the university classroom.” Association of American Geographers Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois

June 26, 2015

“Engaged Pluralism and Asking the Right Questions: Examining Korea’s International Science and Business Belt Project from an Associational and (Co) Evolutionary Economic Geography Perspective.” Korean Geographical Society National Conference, Seoul, Korea

May 3, 2016

“EA Resiliency Agenda: Korea’s International Science and business Belt Project from an Evolutionary Economic Geography Perspective.” Association of American Geographers Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA

November 3, 2016

Invited panel discussant, The 1st International Forum on Professional Development for Teachers, Seoul National University. Seoul National University

January 2, 2017

Invited speaker “Potential for Knowledge in Action? An analysis of Korean green energy related K3-12 curriculum and texts.” International academic seminar for graduate school students majoring in social studies education, Busan National University of Education, Institute of Regional Education

May 12, 2017

Invited panel discussant, The 2nd International Forum on Professional Development for Teachers, Seoul National University. Seoul National University

November 18, 2017

Inclusion or Marginalization? The Geography of Expatriate Academics in Higher Education.” Korean Geography Association, Annual Conference, University of Seoul, Seoul, Korea

November 28, 2017

“Potential for Knowledge in Action? An analysis of Korean green energy related K3 12 curriculum and texts.” South East Asia Geography Association (SEAGA) Annual Conference, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia

April 10-14, 2018

“Researching Expatriate Academics in Higher Education: A geographic framework and insights from a study of a Korean university” American Association of Geographers Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA

October 20, 2019

“Power and Firm-Level Export Activities at Trade Fairs: Insights from a study of Korean advanced machine tool manufacturers” 14th Japan-Korea-China Joint Conference on Geography, Okayama University, Okayama, Japan

October 21, 2021

“Covid-19 and the Importance of Interstices: Workplace satisfaction, inclusion, and the cultural adjustment of expatriate academics at South Korean universities nationwide” The 21st International Conference on Education Research, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea

March 12, 2021

Invited speaker “A Multi-Level Analysis of Innovative Korean SME Activity.” Seoul National University, Asia Center, International Academic Series – ‘Asian Futures’

January 25, 2021

Invited speaker “A Multi-Level Analysis of Innovative Korean SME Activity.” Columbo University, Sri Lanka, Department of Geography

November 24, 2021

Invited speaker, “Interstices: Workplace satisfaction, inclusion, and the cultural adjustment of expatriate academics at South Korean universities nationwide.” Institute of Educational Research, Yonsei University